Posted by Chon On Blog

I was at that IT enclave in Kuala Lumpur, Low Yat Plaza, yesterday and felt like a child in a toy store. I was bedazzled by the gamut of gadgets, computers, cameras and all those IT thingies, I felt like buying everything because at that moment, I thought I needed all those cool stuff. Luckily, my Minister of Home Affairs was with me to nag and enforce a no-nonsense spending rules.

Like I’d go crazy and burst my budget, eventhough I was very, very tempted to do so. Who wouldn’t if you were a “Go Go Gadget Man” like me. I believe all men are to a certain extent, go “ga-ga” over gadgets, and some would end up buying something that would gather dust somewhere. A walkabout at Low Yat was heartbreaking. The laptop I bought a few weeks ago is no longer the state-of-the-art machine. My digital SLR, topping the semi-pro list not too long ago, is now a camera fit for entry-level photography enthusiast. This makes one wants to upgrade! Now I know why everytime I phoned up an elder brother of mine, he would either be at Low Yat or an IT centre somewhere in the city.

It was jam packed at Low Yat yesterday. Thousands of people were looking, checking out or buying something. Yours truly bought a battery pack for an old point-and-shoot camera, now inherited by the Queen of the House. I also bought yellow and cyan inks for the printer. But, I fantasized that I had bought that camera with a set of cool lenses, and that so-very-fast-and-very-sleek laptop. I imagined lugging that 54” LCD tv screen out of Low Yat…..

From the size of the crowd and their enthusiasm in everything ITs, I believed Malaysians are already there. We had arrived at IT Central, we are “geeks” in our own rights. Young and old were there at Low Yat, all sharing a common interest, wanting to be “IT geeks”, to gawk at cool stuff, to buy neat machines or just to dream…. The old were equally excited as the young ‘uns over those products. I guess the old ones were “upgrading” their IT know-how in order to catch up with the younger geeks who were already beaming themselves up into new IT spheres.

An old man caught my eyes. He was checking out a desktop computer and instantly reminded me of my father-in-law. Already 71-year-old but my father-in-law is IT savvy. He has gone digital…he blogs, e-mails and digitally tweaks his photos. How I wish my mother is into computer so that we could “Skype” her. Imagine we could video call her and even, have a tele-conference session with other members of the family.

One could sense that almost all who visit Low Yat wish to better oneself and those IT gadgets available there would help make one’s journey on the road to progress a sheer delight.

Sadly, a stone-throw away from Low Yat, a group of teenagers – male and female – was letting opportunities slipping away. With their Mohawk and punk hair-do and “I-still-don’t-get-it” fashion style, those teenagers sat on the pavement near the pedastrian crossing to the Time Square, making a nuisance of themselves. They were loud and disgusting. Sadly still, they were “my people”.

Are they a wasted generation? 

This entry was posted on Sunday, February 15, 2009 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .



Hallo bos!
Kecewa ka tak dapat memborong? Tak heran la kalau bos teruja dgn new gadgets kat Low Yat Plaza tu... Bos memang terkenal paling IT savvy masa kat opis dulu, berbanding yang lain.


Hi, Terima kasih kerana memberi kepujian itu.Ya benar kalau lebih ramai 'the elder people' are IT interested and mengamalkannya lebih menguntungkan masa lapang mereka.Kita terbaca sekarang wartawan dilarang melaporkan atau melabelkan orang lama sebagai 'old atau older dan sebagainya'They do recognize seniority. Right now I am puzzled why the pics in my blog especially do not appear. The writings do. Could it be virus infected? Kena bawa cpu ke kedai nampaknya esok. Good luck whatever you are doing.

i would feel the same way if i'm in a bookstore... :-) almost every book, be it children's or adult, i would buy.. :-)

Hello Incik, since I am already having diplomatic relations with your charming 'home minister' as well 'marketing manager'...and your wonderful computer savvy and a real gentleman, FIL. aka Kotastar....thought I might as well get to knock the Son I..L's pintu. Big gang here of in-laws, out-laws I must admit, ha ha.
Waaa, like having a shootout at the OK Corral.

Wow, I love your denim blog. Ada style ni.
Couldn't help smiling re your trip to that plaza on IT's.
You are absolutely right. Buy anything today, and 2 months later it becomes outdated.

For me pulak, I tend to sayang my old things, including my wife too. One wife.

Only last year I decided to buy a new computer after my jurassic 14 year old got into serious hiccups and alzeimers whatever. The sales person said, "WHAT"? When I told him I was on Microsoft ME.
Yes, you read that right, ME. That was how old my computer was.

So to be up to date and stop my friends from laughing at my old pc, I bought a state of the art, top of the line Apple Imac 24 with all the bells and toots, plus a 500GB External drive and a 3 in 1 copy, scan and printer...bungkus tiga dapat good discount. I now lauh at theirs.

Tetapi nasib baik ta'kena makan bubur sama ikan masin as it made a big lobang in my pocket, ha ha.

And cameras? I still have my 13 year old Nikon SLR F601 film camera with its flash accessories, 35mm -135mm portrait lens etc.
And for back up, I have my 35 year old SLR Yashica Electro 35.

My hobby is taking portraits of....ahemmm, women. I make them beautiful thru my lens. They buy the films, I shoot them, with my camera...and my reward will be, "ALAMAK! Or HOLY SMOKE! IS THAT ME"? Heh heh.

I pose them like in Cosmopolitan or Vogue mags....but not those mags connected to Incik Hugh Hefner, ha ha....that fellow who's trademark is a rabbit, heh heh.

I love my jurassic cameras, still takes beautiful shots, boleh challenge any digital camera anytime too, *wink*.
But I am eyeing that new Nikon D300 or D700 with the Nikon 18mm to 200mm lens.
But as my wife has reached that certain age where any money shocks might affect her heart, especially after my purchase of the Apple Imac....I'll wait for the right moon and stars alignment.
Hard to find wife can cook like mine. Susa nak trade in pun, arhaaaa ha ha.

You keep well and nanti for the right stars alignment too, heh heh. Have a nice day, Lee.

Hi Moon: Memang rambang mata bila berada di Low Yat tu. Kalaulah banyak duit, memang I borong abis.

KotaStar: Elder persons...yeah, a better word to senior citizens to. BTW, perhaps you'd already been informed, we are making an about-turn in our plan. Harap yang ini menjadi.

Bidadari: Pak Tam suka masuk kedai buku terpakai. Kadang-kadang terjumpa priceless copies. Lagipun murah. :)

Uncle Lee: Thank you very much for dropping by. Feel honoured here, a seasoned "tukang gambar" knocked on my door.

D300 is marvellous. D700 would blow me out. I wish I have the dough to own any one of these cameras. But I need to have the eye for good pictures first.

I'm using a 40D now with 24-60mm and 105mm lenses. both f2.8 for brightness.

And, an Imac system...that's a Wow!

Again, thank you for visiting me. The pleasure is all mine.


Used to take 3 buses from my home in SS21 to get there (no car). This may be no feat for some people. But do take into account that some of those buses are jam-packed, air con not working and smell of armpit, and total length of journey is sometimes 4 hours. And the reason I sanggup go through all that is to get my weekly fix. Habis duit PTPTN ke situ saja. In fact many of my desktops were clones just so that I could choose the specs myself. But yes, they do tend to get obsolete in 3 days..haha.