Posted by Chon On Blog

Nur’Ayn Az-Zahrah would have been 5 years old today. She was born at the UKM Hospital in Bandar Tun Razak. I was there all the time my wife was in labour until our little darling was born.

Ayn was immediately wheeled into the neo-natal intensive care unit after birth where she remained until the night she breathed her last three weeks later.

Our poor Ayn was born with multiple complications – defects in the brain, kidneys, intestine, eyes and heart. Since pregnancy, we were told of her condition, which somewhat prepared us for the worst.

During the three weeks she was in the ICU, both my wife and I stayed with her. With wires and tubes on her, we didn’t have the courage to hold her in our arms. My wife and I would spend as much time as we could with Ayn, watching over her as she went through her fits, which we couldn't do anything about. Each time she had her fits, we would hold her tiny arms and I would tenderly stroke her forehead, whispering to my poor Ayn that her Papa and Mama were with her and that everything would be alright.

Since my wife was in confinement, I remained with Ayn, each day and would return home in the wee hours. Oftentimes I would sit alone in the car at the parking lot and cried… Sometimes I didn't want to go home, fearing that my poor child would breathe her last among strangers.

During that three weeks, we had to make decision after decision and the most difficult of all was when the doctor who handled Ayn’s case asked us whether we would want the medical team to resuscitate Ayn when her heart starts to fail. In other words, he was asking us whether we would want to save Ayn or let her go and spare her the miseries…….

Our darling Ayn left us in the night of Oct 13, 2003. Both my wife and I were by her side, arriving at the ICU minutes after being informed that our daughter had just had a massive heart attack. There was no intervention by the medical team. The three of us were left alone. In the stillness of that night, we watched her heartbeat dropped…. As we touched her tiny hands, our poor Ayn took a deep breath and …

It was past midnight when my wife and I walked out of the mortuary. For the first time, I held Ayn in my arms as she was coming home… Silently, I had wished that the journey home would last forever.

It has been five years but I don't think I've ever forgotten Ayn for a single day. Each day, as I pass the Hulu Klang Mosque, behind which is the cemetary where our Ayn was laid to rest, I would glance over the graveyard and the thought of my dearest child would return to my mind.

Someone said Ayn would be waiting for her parents in Jannah..... I hope she would find us there.

This entry was posted on Sunday, September 21, 2008 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .



semoga en fisol sentiasa tabah. Ayn is waiting for you and your wife in jannah.


Berbahagialah Ayn di syurga yang indah dengan ditemani bidadari-bidadari. She's one year older than my Sara. Maaf Boss. Peah tak tahu langsung about this. Salam takziah walaupun terlewat.



Cik Fisol,

I am truly sorry for your loss. The truth is, I had read about Ayn and Trisomy 18/incompatibility to life via your wife's blog two days ago and was thinking about it constantly since.

I will probably never comprehend the sadness but I do understand it is not the same as losing a parent, sibling, or friend. I always remember this quote on losing a child:

"Because time moves on, everyone thinks you (bereaved parents) do, too. But it’s not like that, you grieve until the day you die. Most people can’t really comprehend what you’re going through."

A friend of mine lost her baby two years back when he was 6 months old. She never got over it. I read this in her journal which she created to cope with her loss and cried every time I read it, but it is some form of solace for us Muslims who have faced such losses.

Di hari kiamat yang panas terik nanti, semua manusia kehausan dan kepanasan. Ada si Fulan ni kemudiannya nampak ramai kanak-kanak kecil yang dengan cergasnya membawa cerek-cerek yg berisi air. Dia pun meminta air dari salah seorang kanak-kanak kecil itu.

Tapi kanak-kanak itu cuma pandang dia semacam and berkata "Kamu bukan ayah saya! Air ni cuma untuk ayah saya", dan seterusnya lari meninggalkan si Fulan tu. Kemudian barulah si Fulan faham bahawa kanak-kanak tersebut adalah kanak-kanak yang meninggal dunia sebelum baligh.

All children who died before puberty will beg for Allah to bring their parents along into Heaven with them. They tell Allah that they have been denied love and care from their parents from dying so young, and plead that Allah will reunite them with their parent so that they may be compensated. And their pleas are so sad that Allah, ever so Merciful, takes pity upon them and grant their wish.

Be strong, and may you meet Ayn once again in Jannah.

Fisol and Nina,

We suffer losses and at times get gains. Begitulah takdirnya dan kita menerima apa saja yang ditentukan olehNYA. We forgot about her last night but I am sure in our hearts during prayer we seek out forgiveness for those that have departed us and seek the best for them. AlFatihah.

Salam, En. Fisol..

Ya, i remember this story that ur telling me.. time tu En Fisol tumpangkan saya balik ke Bukit Antarabangsa when i stayed at Villa Kelab Ukay.. almost 4 years back..

I remember that time, when we passed by the masjid ur telling me that ,"anak saya simpan sini"..and i ask " lelaki ke perempuan? and u said "perempuan, Ayn namanya".. from that u telling the story of ur beloved daughter Ayn (during that time i forgot to ask what her full name actually)..and I feel sorry about ur daughter.. and I know how do you feel.. but percayalah Allah itu adalah penentu segala..Dia tahu apa yang Dia rancangkan yang terbaik untuk En Fisol..

Apapun biarlah kenangan yang amat berharga itu walaupun Ayn hadir untuk seketika dalam kehidupan but she bring a lot of memories and life for both of you..Biarlah Ayn terus hidup dalam KENANGAN TERINDAH itu..dan En Fisol akan terus mengenangnya hingga akhir hayat..